I’ve been playing around with the Keentools Facebuilder and Facetracker plugins for Nuke and thought it might be fun to see what Hugh Jackman looked like in the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer with Wolverine’s signature cowl / mask.
The process involves creating a 3D tracked map of the head movement, a face texture is taken from the original plate and wrapped onto the 3D model. This is then taken into Houdini and the 3D cowl model is tracked onto the head. The rendered 3D textured head with cowl model is then re-composited over the original plate.
I also cut out the shop sign from behind the cowl to avoid the need to roto Wolverine’s hair, tracked it back in over the original plate and layered the head with cowl over the top. This gave far better results than rotoscoping the head. I created this shot using the free trial of KeenTools Facebuilder and Facetracker plugins for Nuke available here – https://keentools.io/download/plugins-for-nuke . Thanks to the team at KeenTools for creating such fantastic products, I hope you’re pleased with the end result?
#cgi #nuke #foundry #sidefxhoudini #fx #flip #simulation #water #vfx #visualeffects #keentools